Increasing your capacity to make the change you want to see in the world. 

You are a leader, entrepreneur, or visionary. You see problems that can be solved. New worlds that can be created.
But something is holding you back. Or you aren't sure you can keep up the pace.
Book a Discovery Call

Ready to explore root cause solutions to the problems that are keeping you stuck? 

There is a really good chance that what got you here, won't get you where you want to go.

Maybe your business is running you into the ground. Or your people are struggling and you aren't quite sure how to support them in meaningful ways.

Maybe you've been so focused on survival that you have forgotten how to thrive. And your brain cannot seem to solve the problems that are keeping you up at night.

You know that status quo isn't working. But you don't know where to begin.

I want you to know that your intuition is right: it doesn’t have to feel like this. 

Welcome to a world of nourishing and empowering solutions. Coaching and resources to help you step more fully into your potential. I’m so glad you’re here.

Yes, I’m Ready for Support

Ways to Get Started with Booth...

Freedom From Empty Podcast

Season II of the Freedom From Empty Podcast is a safe space to talk about hard things, heal our pain, and practice thriving in order to become strong, effective, resilient leaders and humans. 

Listen to Booth's Podcast

Speaking Opportunities 

Invite Booth to speak at your event and embrace change in the areas of well-being, burnout prevention, mental health, and trauma-informed principles.

Explore Speaking Options

1:1 Coaching

Get unstuck. Find clarity & direction. Develop a renewable pace. Take intentional action. Integrate your purpose and well-being into your life and work. Expand into your potential.

Explore Coaching Options

Featured Resources


Join my email list and receive bi-weekly(ish) newsletters where I'll share stories, musings, lessons learned, resources and current offers.

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Freedom From Empty Podcast: Helping you create a path for life and work that allows you to be fully present, peaceful and free.

Listen to the Podcast

"Booth is the only person I had ever known who gave healing language to the negative thoughts in my head and gentleness to the wounded, physical limitations of my body. You spoke so honestly, elegantly, holistically and authentically about your professional and personal experiences. Through you I learned the concept of self-care, which has given me permission to heal the body, mind and spirit, each at its own pace.”

-Alex, Former Coaching Client

Freedom From Empty Podcast

Follow along as Booth Andrews explores the effects of stress, burnout and trauma on our health, well-being, relationships, organizations, communities and - more importantly - shares actionable strategies and tools we can use to become strong, effective, resilient leaders and humans. 

Listen Now

Imagine a world in which we, individually and collectively, have the capacity to navigate with strength, endurance, flexibility, and resilience; physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Imagine a world in which we are whole.

Reclaim your power & humanity.

Our newsletter reminds you that you don't have to do it alone.